Our faith is lived in schools and parishes, soup kitchens and counseling centers, on street corners and in churches, where people of all backgrounds in every neighborhood of the Archdiocese of Chicago are served.
Your gift to the Annual Appeal helps to sustain Catholic schools, religious education, ministerial formation, and initiatives for life, peace and justice. Through its support of Catholic Relief Services, the Appeal serves people worldwide, without regard for religious affiliation, whose lives are devastated by natural disasters, illnesses, wars and famines.
Please make a pledge to the 2019 Annual Catholic Appeal.
Any funds raised are carefully spent; it is money for God’s work, and we use it accordingly. Your contributions are deeply appreciated, very much needed and make a real difference in the lives of many.
You can give to the Annual Catholic Appeal through GiveCentral by clicking on our donate button. For more information, please visit the Archdiocese of Chicago website at annualcatholicappeal.com.